Tuesday, June 7, 2011

God is looking for Good Stewards!

Stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities and material possessions based on the conviction that these are a trust from God to be used in His service for the benefit of His kingdom. It is a divine/human partnership, with God as the senior partner. It is a way of living; the recognition of God’s ownership of one’s person, powers and possessions and the faithful use of these for the kingdom of God and His Glory.

The dictionary defines a steward as “a person entrusted with the management of
estates and affairs not his own; an administrator.”

Biblical point of view, the word steward is an important word used in New Testament and we can see that The New Testament word translated “steward” means “the manager of a household or household affairs; a manager” (I Cor. 4:1-2; I Pet. 4:10).
Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.(I Corinthians 4:1-2)
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the
manifold grace of God. (I Peter 4:10)
In other words we can say that  A steward is an individual who has been delegated authority by an owner to oversee possessions, property and household affairs.
Example of Good Stewards in Old Testament:
1. Abraham had Eliezar (Gen. 15:2). He proved to be very faithful (Gen. 24:1-9).
2. Elisha had Gehazi (II Kgs. 4:12). He proved to be an unwise steward (II Kgs.5:20-27). He acted in his own interest and abused his stewardship
Qualities of Good Stewards:
1.  Faithfulness and loyalty (I Cor. 4:1-2; Mt. 21:40-41).
2.  Industriousness (Mt. 25:26; Rom. 12:11).
3.  Discipline and obedience (Col. 3:22-24; Tit. 2:9).
4. Fruitfulness and productivity (Mt. 25:20).
5. Humility and a servant’s heart (I Cor. 4:7; Mark 10:43-45).
Jesus Teaching on Stewardship:
Jesus’ main teaching on stewardship is found in two key parables:-
I.                    Parable of Talents (pounds) - in Matthew 25:14- 30
II.                Dishonest Manager  in  Luke 16:1-13
These teaching gives us good lessons to be a good Stewards that:-
·        If we do not use what God has given us, we will lose it.
·        God expects us to use our talents to bring increase to His kingdom.
·        God expects us to use great wisdom as we use our talents.
·        We are responsible to become all that God has made it possible for us to become in Christ.
·        Even though God does not appear to be giving direct oversight to what we are doing, there will be a day of reckoning or accountability.
·        The industrious will be rewarded by the Lord.
·        The wicked and slothful will be judged by the Lord.
·        Faithfulness over natural, material things will qualify us for true spiritual riches.
Dear Friends,
Christian stewardship describes the position and responsibility of the Christian to manage or administer as a steward for God the things that God has committed to him in his life. We are not our own. Jesus Christ has bought us at an infinite cost. We belong completely to Him.  Every person is endowed with a free will and can choose to return to God that which belongs to Him or he can withhold from Him that which is rightfully His. Let us all prove to be good stewards of the manifold grace of God (I Pet. 4:10).
We need to be a good steward in our Christian life, ministry, and in all the areas of our life.  We need God’s grace and mercy daily in our lives. And we must give priority to God in and through our lives.  Examining our lives can help us to realize about ourselves and let us ask God to help us to be faithful enough to be good stewards before HIM all through our lives.
Let us Pray
Heavenly Father, We give our lives into your hands. Help us to learn more from your word. We pray that Holy Spirit may speak to us continually and minister to us in a powerful manner.  Lord, we pray that let our life, resources, our gifts and talents be a matter to Glorify your Name.  Because you had blessed us with many good things and abundant blessings. Jesus Help each one of us to be faithful before you and be a good steward.  Thank you Lord,  for hearing our prayers. In Jesus Name, we pray.  Amen.