Thursday, November 29, 2012

God cares for you....

Friends, Our God is so concerned about each one of us.  He is our Creator. We all are in the Plan of God. It is God's Plan that the entire humanity may come to the saving knowledge of God and His Plan of Salvation. The sin that had become a hindrance to have a right relationship with our God. Even though, We are sinners, God cares for each one of us. He is ready to forgive our sins if we are willing to come to His throne of grace seeking the forgiveness of our sins by repenting in His presence from the depth of our hearts.  Today, as you read this blog, you may be going through several problems, issues and facing lot of challenges in our personal life.  You might be asking so many questions to yourself and as well as to God.  I want to encourage you that God is the answer for all of your questions. Almighty God cares for you. Friends, Here is an article that has encouraged me a lot and I do here by share this articles just to encourage you to keep on trusting in God. All the credit of writing this article goes to  God's servant Paull Roost.  
Casting your cares on God.

1st Peter 5:7:- “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”  One of the benefits of this kind of relationship with God is the privilege of letting HIM take care of our burdens. However, unless we meet the conditions laid down in 1st Peter 5:5-6, we cannot claim the wonderful promise of 1st Peter 5:7.

So, what are these conditions.? Let’s read these 2 verses and see what they tell us:- 1 Peter 5:5-6:-  “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  6.  Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,”

Those who are younger, whether in age, or younger in the faith, should be submissive to the elders in the church.
Why.?? Because these overseers have wisdom that comes from years of experience in the things of God. They have a deep, experiential knowledge of the Word of God. And they are the ones to whom God has given responsibility for the care of His sheep.

As verse 5 says, ALL believers should be clothed with humility because it is a tremendous virtue. Moffatt says of 1 Peter 5:5:-“Put on the apron of humility” This is very appropriate because the “apron” is the badge of a servant.

A missionary to India once said, “If I were to pick out 2 phrases necessary for spiritual growth, I would pick out these:- “I don’t know”, and, “I am sorry”   “And both of these phrases are the evidences of deep humility.” Imagine a congregation where ALL the members have this humble spirit. Where all esteem others better than themselves.

Where they try to outdo each other in performing the menial tasks like washing the dishes and setting up the church.!! You know, such a church need NOT be imaginary.!! It could and should be an actuality.!!

IF there was NO other reason for being humble, the words in verse 5 "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'' should be enough.!! The Lord knows how to resist the proud, but do you know what.?? He simply cannot resist a broken and contrite heart.!!

That is again evident in Psalm 34:18 which says:“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.” Think of it.!! Almighty God opposed to our foolish pride and determined to break it  Contrasted with Almighty God powerless to resist a broken and contrite heart.!! How gracious is our God that He keeps Himself accessible to the broken hearted - and always on hand to rescue the crushed in spirit.!!

This humility spoken of in 1 Peter 5:6 is to be shown not only in relation to other people, but to God as well.!!  In Peter’s day the saints were passing through the fires of affliction. They were being sorely tested by many trials, crises and persecutions. These trials, though NOT sent by God, were permitted by Him. The best policy, Peter says, is to take them humbly from the Lord’s Hand. Don’t complain, whine and bellyache about them.!! You don’t need to do that because God will sustain His children with His power and exalt them in due time.

It’s interesting to note that in the Old Testament God’s “Hand”  symbolized discipline  AND  deliverance. BOTH meanings are appropriate in view of the sufferings of the Asian Christians  in Asia Minor, or, modern Turkey to whom this letter was originally addressed. The words, “in due time”  in verse 6 refer to the time that God has set for Christ’s  appearing.

Thus, the whole destiny of Christians – whether it is suffering or glory – is totally God-ordained. And so Peter continues in 1st Peter 5:7  “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Now the NIV makes this a separate sentence from verse 6,  therefore making it a separate and distinct ACT. But in the Greek it's all ONE thought and so what precedes in verse 6 is connected to verse 7.  In other words, the thought goes just as the New American Standard puts it. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you." 

The idea here is that as you humble yourself before God you are able to cast your anxiety on Him. It's all ONE action. One follows the other. And so, when the cares of this world cause us anxiety we don't have to invent a new way to get past the anxiety. Instead, we must humble ourselves before God knowing of a certainty that  HE has the mighty Hand of power to take us through whatever trial or crisis we might be facing. Casting our anxiety on Him in the Greek literally means to throw whatever we have that we can't deal with on someone else, namely God, who CAN deal with it. And then, to totally trust that He WILL deal with it for us.

At that point it can cease to be an anxiety, though it may NOT cease to be a problem.  The word, “casting” is ALSO used in the casting of hand-thrown fishing nets. Just as it is imperative to RELEASE the weight of the fishing net at the moment of casting it, - SO, the believer must also release the weight of his problems and leave them there with His heavenly Father.

The word translated “care”  in verse 7 means “anxiety, - the state of being pulled apart.” I wonder if today you are here with trials and problems that are causing you anxiety and pulling you apart.? When circumstances in our lives become difficult, it is easy for us to be anxious and worried. But IF we ARE anxious and worried, we will miss God’s blessing and at the same time become poor witnesses to those around us, Especially to those who are without Jesus Christ, and therefore, without hope.

There is ANXIOUS care, in the words, "casting all your care upon Him"……., AND there is AFFECTIONATE care, in the words, "for He cares for you.”Over against all of our anxious care is our Saviour's never-failing affectionate care.!! Believers are so privileged to be invited to cast ALL their anxieties on the Lord with the strong confidence that “He cares” ALL of us need His inward peace IF we are going to triumph in the fiery trials of life and bring glory to His Name.

According to 1st Peter 5:7, we must “once and for all”   give ALL of our cares—past, present, and future—to the Lord. However, we must NOT hand them to Him  piecemeal, keeping those cares that we think we can handle ourselves. That would make a complete mockery of this verse.!!

IF we decide in our wisdom to keep “the little cares”  for ourselves, invariably, they will soon develop into big problems!  Each time a new burden arises, we must by faith remind the Lord (and ourselves) that we have already turned it over to Him.

IF anybody knew from experience that God cares for His own, it was PETER.!!  When you read the 4 Gospels, you discover that Peter shared in some wonderful miracles performed by our Lord Jesus.

For example:-

Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. (Mark 1:29-31),

Jesus supernaturally gave him a great catch of fish. (Luke 5:1-11),

Jesus helped him pay his temple tax. (Matt. 17:24-27),

Jesus helped him walk on the water. (Matt. 14:22-33),

Jesus repaired the damage he did to the ear of Malchus, the High Priest’s servant. (Luke 22:50-51; John 18:10-11),

And Jesus even delivered Peter from prison.    (Acts 12)

How does God show His love and care for us when we give our cares to Him? I believe that He performs 4 wonderful ministries on our behalf.

Firstly: He gives us the courage to face our cares honestly and NOT run away. (Isaiah 41:10). He gives us the wisdom to         understand the situation. (James 1:5). He gives us the strength to DO what we must do. (Phil. 4:13)  He gives us the faith to trust Him to do the rest.     (Psalm 37:4-5)

Notice the conditions in these 2 verses:-Psalm 37:4-5:- “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.”

There are some people who give God their burdens and simply expect Him to DO everything.!!  However, it is important that we let Him work IN us as well as work FOR us, so that we will be well prepared when the answer comes. You know, worrying about tomorrow does NOT help either tomorrow or today.!!! IF anything, it actually robs us of our effectiveness  today — which means we will be even LESS effective tomorrow.

Someone has said that the average person is crucifying himself between TWO thieves:- And these two thieves are the regrets of yesterday and the worries about tomorrow.!! It is right to plan for the future and even to save for the future, BUT it is a SIN to worry about the future and permit tomorrow to rob TODAY of its blessings.!!!

Philippians 4:6-7:-  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7.  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Is it really possible for Christians to be anxious for nothing as this verse 6 says.? It certainly IS possible as long as we have the resource of believing prayer. Everything should be taken to the Lord in prayer. EVERYTHING  means  EVERYTHING.!!

There is absolutely nothing too great or too small for our Heavenly Father's loving care. ALL believers, regardless of how backslidden they might be, enjoy peace WITH God , BUT only Spirit-controlled believers can know that blessed and wonderful peace OF God. This peace is actually experienced, and includes only those believers who are filled and controlled by God’s Spirit. It can be defined as God’s reassurance and peace in our souls in times of crises, testing and tribulation.

Let’s consider the two rules as laid out in Philippians 4 verse 6:-

1.   “Be anxious about nothing.”  The word “anxious” here means “to be pulled in different directions.”

Our hopes pull us in one direction; our fears pull us in the opposite direction and we are pulled apart.!! Paul is NOT talking about concern here, but about panic. The second half of verse 6 urges us to pray about everything with thanks to God. It has well been said that the purpose of prayer is not to get man’s will done in heaven, but to get God’s will done on earth. Prayer is NOT telling God what to do or what to give.  Prayer is asking God for that which He wants to do and give, according to His will. (1 John 5:14-15). As we read the Word and fellowship with our Father, we discover His will and then boldly ask Him to do what He has planned.

Richard Trench (1807-1886), archbishop of Dublin, said it perfectly:  “Prayer is NOT overcoming God’s reluctance;  - it is laying hold of His willingness.”

Let's consider another verse that gives similar good advice and instruction.

Psalm 55:22:-  “Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

The Bible teaches that worry for the Christian is totally  unnecessary.!! There is no need for US to bear the burdens ourselves when the Lord is so willing and able to bear them for us. You know, one of the outstanding sins of the Christian is WORRY. We worry needlessly.  We know we should not worry; we know it will not help the situation - YET, we persist in our worry.

Some believers worry about everything: big, medium or small. Believers so often worry about things that will never happen. We worry that they might happen.  Some of us worry about things that will never happen, OR, that never did happen.!! It has been estimated that of all the things that a person worries about, LESS THAN 15% ever happen.!!

Remember God’s divine remedy for worry in Philippians 4:6-7?  “ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  7.  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Worry is futile, it is a sin and it hasn't solved a problem yet.!! Worry is a sin because it denies the wisdom of God it says that He doesn't know what He is doing.!! Worry denies the LOVE of God…it says that He doesn't care for you. And worry denies the POWER of God because it says that God isn't ABLE to deliver me from whatever is causing me to worry.!!

A Christian should be prayerful about everything. And our prayers should be BOTH definite and devotional.

It has been noted that there are but two areas over which the Christian is NOT to worry:-

1. Those things which he himself CAN change. Here perspiration and commitment is the answer.

2.  Those things which he himself  CANNOT change. Here humility in prayer  is the answer.

The two results of this are found in verse 7:- “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

The word guard  here was often used to describe someone or something which was carefully guarded by the elite Roman soldiers of Caesar’s palace.  Remember that ALL Christians enjoy the peace with God mentioned in Romans 5:1. but ONLY those who have successfully substituted CARE for PRAYER can enjoy the peace OF God which wonderfully surpasses  ALL human understanding.

Thus we see this peace guards:-

1. Our hearts, protecting us from wrong FEELINGS.

2. And guards our minds, protecting us from wrong THINKING.

Worry is the greatest THIEF of JOY.  It is not enough for us, however, to tell ourselves to “quit worrying” because that will never capture the THIEF.  Worry is an “inside job,” and it takes more than good intentions to get the victory.

The antidote to worry is the SECURE MIND and when you have the secure mind, the peace of God guards you [garrison, guard like a soldier] (Phil. 4:7) and the God of peace guides you. (Phil. 4:9)  With that kind of protection—why worry?

Perhaps I should mention here that the familiar sign “Prayer changes things”  is NOT always completely true. But prayer definitely does change US, by protecting us against those matters which were driving us to despair. The peace of Christ also steels our hearts against fretfulness and anxiety.

Psalm 119:165:- “Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.”

Isaiah 26:3:- “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

This, then, is God’s marvellous method for keeping peace.

The peace of Christ is tailor-made by God Himself to bring REAL happiness and joy to our minds and hearts.

John 16:33:- "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.''

Romans 15:13:  “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

You know, if we're not careful we can worry ourselves into an early grave. God's remedy for the turbulence and stress in our lives is His own, special peace. His peace is internal tranquillity in the midst of external turbulence and strife.  God's peace actually enables us to sit down and relax on the inside.!!  It will enable us to come into a beautiful, peaceful rest while still in a mortal body.!!. We will experience freedom from agitation and concern.  Did you know that when we worry, we take our case OUT of the hands of the Lord.?

Let’s look at a few verses to see how important it is to take everything to the Lord and to LEAVE it there:-

Psalm 37:1-8; 10; 23-25:-  “Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. 2.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb. 3.  Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4.  Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. 6.  He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. 7.  Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. 8.  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret it only causes harm.      10.  For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look diligently for his place, But it shall be no more.      23.  The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. 24.  Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. 25.  I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”

1 Thessalonians 5:23:-“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16:- “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

By worrying ourselves to death, we declare that WE know better than God does on how to handle our problems.  We say in effect, "I am smarter than God.  I know how to handle my problems better than He does.!!!  “I am going to work my way out of this problem myself."

Think about it.!!…with every problem that we have ever had has not the Lord been faithful.?  Has He not always kept that wonderful promise in I Corinthians 10:13.? Hasn’t He always faithfully sustained you and provided a way out for you.??

In every dilemma, in every problem that you have ever faced, has not the Lord been faithful to you.? After the problem has passed we often say, "What a fool I was for worrying."

The great apostle Paul had a recurring problem, - a problem that clearly bothered him a great deal. He was frequently being buffeted by a messenger of Satan which he referred to as a "thorn" in the flesh. Three times the apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord that this thorn in the flesh might depart from him. God's answer was not what he wanted to hear:-

2 Corinthians 12:9:-  (Amplified version) "But He said to me, My grace - favour and loving kindness and mercy - are enough for you, (that is, sufficient against any danger and to enable you to bear the trouble manfully); for My strength and power are made perfect -fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective - in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weakness and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ, the Messiah, may rest - yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell - upon me!"

Paul’s prayer WAS answered, but not in the way that he had hoped for. In effect, God said to Paul:- “I will not remove the thorn, but I will do something better. I will give you grace to bear it.!! And just remember, Paul, that although I have not given you what you asked for, yet I am giving you what you need most deeply. You want My power and strength to accompany your preaching, don’t you.? Well the best way to have that happen is for you to be kept in a place of weakness.”

This was God’s repeated answer to Paul’s thrice repeated prayer. And it continues to be God’s answer to His suffering people throughout the world today. Far better than the removal of trials and sufferings, is the companionship of the Son of God IN them, together with His assurance of His strength and enabling grace.

Notice that God says, "My grace IS sufficient for you,” There is no need for us to ask Him to make His grace sufficient. It already IS.!! The question is, - is it sufficient for you.?

Our Lord Jesus Christ has three “spiritual commodities” that can be secured from nobody else:- righteousness, grace, and peace.  When you trust Him as your Saviour, His righteousness becomes your righteousness and you are given a right standing before God.

You could never EARN this  righteousness; it is the gift of God to those who believe. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).

GRACE is God’s favour to the undeserving. God in His mercy does NOT give us what we do deserve; God in His grace gives us what we DON'T deserve. Our God is “the God of all grace” and He channels that grace to us through Jesus Christ. (John 1:16).The result of this experience is peace, peace with God (Rom. 5:1) and the peace of God (Phil. 4:6-7). In fact, God’s grace and peace are “multiplied” toward us as we walk with Him and trust His promises.

IF you are older than 40, you may recall the early days of the space programme. I remember the first spacecraft launch with John Glenn. One of the most exciting and tense moments of his return to earth was his re-entry to the earth's atmosphere. I recall the diagram on television of the heat shield on the capsule that had to withstand incredible temperatures to avoid complete destruction.

There was a blackout period for several minutes in which mission control had NO radio contact. He was in the "black hole." It was a tense time. Either he would make it through, or the spacecraft would burn up in the atmosphere. There were several minutes of silence that seemed like an eternity. THEN, mission control would shout with joy when they re-established contact with the spacecraft. It was truly a time of rejoicing.

Have you ever had a time when you were in the black hole spiritually in your life? I have.!!   The pressure was unbearable. There seemed to be no sense of God's presence. - although I knew from His Word that He was always with me through thick and thin. Once in this spiritual black hole, one has very little sense of anything going on around you. God even seemed to be as far away as the man in the moon -- at least from MY perspective.

I think every Christian who is called to make some sort of a difference in this world experiences times like these. These are the times when we sometimes question the reality of God, the love of God, and the personal care and faithfulness of God. However, after a given time of testing, He demonstrates to us that He was there all the time.!!

It may be said that BOTH trials and temptations are often OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. That is to say that BOTH God and Satan may be working in the life of a believer THROUGH THE SAME EVENT,  One to purify him, - the other to pervert him.   (See Job 1, 2)

These are "faith experiences"  that God does in every person who is called to a higher level of service with Him.
These times are needed by us in order for us to know that we have the "heat shield" that can withstand the incredible heat that comes when we follow Him with a whole heart and a determined mind.  A heart and mind that is fully committed to follow His ways.

Elijah had that spirit and determination.  He left his 12 oxen and burned them so that He would not have the opportunity to return to anything IF God didn't come through. I wonder how your heat shield is today?  Can it withstand the heat that would want to burn up everything in YOUR life not based in Him? Christ said that "My grace is sufficient."

Is that really true in your life?  Have you found that His amazing grace which includes His incredible loving kindness  compassion and faithfulness is sufficient for your life.?? Let His grace be YOUR shield today.

Does God care for you?  You better believe it.!!

Is He concerned with everything that's going on in YOUR life?  

But He's also a loving Father who wants us to care for Him and love Him as the loving Father that He is. He wants us to trust Him and follow Him where He leads as we humble ourselves before Him.

God has a mighty Hand and it is a Hand that reaches out to us with the desire to lift us up and to comfort and bless us and strengthen us. Reach out to Him in thanks and let Him lift you up and make you the person that He knows you have the potential to be.!!.

God cares for you....

Friends, Our God is so concerned about each one of us.  He is our Creator. We all are in the Plan of God. It is God's Plan that the entire humanity may come to the saving knowledge of God and His Plan of Salvation. The sin that had become a hindrance to have a right relationship with our God. Even though, We are sinners, God cares for each one of us. He is ready to forgive our sins if we are willing to come to His throne of grace seeking the forgiveness of our sins by repenting in His presence from the depth of our hearts.  Today, as you read this blog, you may be going through several problems, issues and facing lot of challenges in our personal life.  You might be asking so many questions to yourself and as well as to God.  I want to encourage you that God is the answer for all of your questions. Almighty God cares for you. Friends, Here is an article that has encouraged me a lot and I do here by share this articles just to encourage you to keep on trusting in God. All the credit of writing this article goes to  God's servant Paull Roost.  
Casting your cares on God.

1st Peter 5:7:- “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”  One of the benefits of this kind of relationship with God is the privilege of letting HIM take care of our burdens. However, unless we meet the conditions laid down in 1st Peter 5:5-6, we cannot claim the wonderful promise of 1st Peter 5:7.

So, what are these conditions.? Let’s read these 2 verses and see what they tell us:- 1 Peter 5:5-6:-  “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  6.  Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,”

Those who are younger, whether in age, or younger in the faith, should be submissive to the elders in the church.
Why.?? Because these overseers have wisdom that comes from years of experience in the things of God. They have a deep, experiential knowledge of the Word of God. And they are the ones to whom God has given responsibility for the care of His sheep.

As verse 5 says, ALL believers should be clothed with humility because it is a tremendous virtue. Moffatt says of 1 Peter 5:5:-“Put on the apron of humility” This is very appropriate because the “apron” is the badge of a servant.

A missionary to India once said, “If I were to pick out 2 phrases necessary for spiritual growth, I would pick out these:- “I don’t know”, and, “I am sorry”   “And both of these phrases are the evidences of deep humility.” Imagine a congregation where ALL the members have this humble spirit. Where all esteem others better than themselves.

Where they try to outdo each other in performing the menial tasks like washing the dishes and setting up the church.!! You know, such a church need NOT be imaginary.!! It could and should be an actuality.!!

IF there was NO other reason for being humble, the words in verse 5 "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'' should be enough.!! The Lord knows how to resist the proud, but do you know what.?? He simply cannot resist a broken and contrite heart.!!

That is again evident in Psalm 34:18 which says:“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.” Think of it.!! Almighty God opposed to our foolish pride and determined to break it  Contrasted with Almighty God powerless to resist a broken and contrite heart.!! How gracious is our God that He keeps Himself accessible to the broken hearted - and always on hand to rescue the crushed in spirit.!!

This humility spoken of in 1 Peter 5:6 is to be shown not only in relation to other people, but to God as well.!!  In Peter’s day the saints were passing through the fires of affliction. They were being sorely tested by many trials, crises and persecutions. These trials, though NOT sent by God, were permitted by Him. The best policy, Peter says, is to take them humbly from the Lord’s Hand. Don’t complain, whine and bellyache about them.!! You don’t need to do that because God will sustain His children with His power and exalt them in due time.

It’s interesting to note that in the Old Testament God’s “Hand”  symbolized discipline  AND  deliverance. BOTH meanings are appropriate in view of the sufferings of the Asian Christians  in Asia Minor, or, modern Turkey to whom this letter was originally addressed. The words, “in due time”  in verse 6 refer to the time that God has set for Christ’s  appearing.

Thus, the whole destiny of Christians – whether it is suffering or glory – is totally God-ordained. And so Peter continues in 1st Peter 5:7  “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Now the NIV makes this a separate sentence from verse 6,  therefore making it a separate and distinct ACT. But in the Greek it's all ONE thought and so what precedes in verse 6 is connected to verse 7.  In other words, the thought goes just as the New American Standard puts it. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you." 

The idea here is that as you humble yourself before God you are able to cast your anxiety on Him. It's all ONE action. One follows the other. And so, when the cares of this world cause us anxiety we don't have to invent a new way to get past the anxiety. Instead, we must humble ourselves before God knowing of a certainty that  HE has the mighty Hand of power to take us through whatever trial or crisis we might be facing. Casting our anxiety on Him in the Greek literally means to throw whatever we have that we can't deal with on someone else, namely God, who CAN deal with it. And then, to totally trust that He WILL deal with it for us.

At that point it can cease to be an anxiety, though it may NOT cease to be a problem.  The word, “casting” is ALSO used in the casting of hand-thrown fishing nets. Just as it is imperative to RELEASE the weight of the fishing net at the moment of casting it, - SO, the believer must also release the weight of his problems and leave them there with His heavenly Father.

The word translated “care”  in verse 7 means “anxiety, - the state of being pulled apart.” I wonder if today you are here with trials and problems that are causing you anxiety and pulling you apart.? When circumstances in our lives become difficult, it is easy for us to be anxious and worried. But IF we ARE anxious and worried, we will miss God’s blessing and at the same time become poor witnesses to those around us, Especially to those who are without Jesus Christ, and therefore, without hope.

There is ANXIOUS care, in the words, "casting all your care upon Him"……., AND there is AFFECTIONATE care, in the words, "for He cares for you.”Over against all of our anxious care is our Saviour's never-failing affectionate care.!! Believers are so privileged to be invited to cast ALL their anxieties on the Lord with the strong confidence that “He cares” ALL of us need His inward peace IF we are going to triumph in the fiery trials of life and bring glory to His Name.

According to 1st Peter 5:7, we must “once and for all”   give ALL of our cares—past, present, and future—to the Lord. However, we must NOT hand them to Him  piecemeal, keeping those cares that we think we can handle ourselves. That would make a complete mockery of this verse.!!

IF we decide in our wisdom to keep “the little cares”  for ourselves, invariably, they will soon develop into big problems!  Each time a new burden arises, we must by faith remind the Lord (and ourselves) that we have already turned it over to Him.

IF anybody knew from experience that God cares for His own, it was PETER.!!  When you read the 4 Gospels, you discover that Peter shared in some wonderful miracles performed by our Lord Jesus.

For example:-

Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. (Mark 1:29-31),

Jesus supernaturally gave him a great catch of fish. (Luke 5:1-11),

Jesus helped him pay his temple tax. (Matt. 17:24-27),

Jesus helped him walk on the water. (Matt. 14:22-33),

Jesus repaired the damage he did to the ear of Malchus, the High Priest’s servant. (Luke 22:50-51; John 18:10-11),

And Jesus even delivered Peter from prison.    (Acts 12)

How does God show His love and care for us when we give our cares to Him? I believe that He performs 4 wonderful ministries on our behalf.

Firstly: He gives us the courage to face our cares honestly and NOT run away. (Isaiah 41:10). He gives us the wisdom to         understand the situation. (James 1:5). He gives us the strength to DO what we must do. (Phil. 4:13)  He gives us the faith to trust Him to do the rest.     (Psalm 37:4-5)

Notice the conditions in these 2 verses:-Psalm 37:4-5:- “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.”

There are some people who give God their burdens and simply expect Him to DO everything.!!  However, it is important that we let Him work IN us as well as work FOR us, so that we will be well prepared when the answer comes. You know, worrying about tomorrow does NOT help either tomorrow or today.!!! IF anything, it actually robs us of our effectiveness  today — which means we will be even LESS effective tomorrow.

Someone has said that the average person is crucifying himself between TWO thieves:- And these two thieves are the regrets of yesterday and the worries about tomorrow.!! It is right to plan for the future and even to save for the future, BUT it is a SIN to worry about the future and permit tomorrow to rob TODAY of its blessings.!!!

Philippians 4:6-7:-  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7.  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Is it really possible for Christians to be anxious for nothing as this verse 6 says.? It certainly IS possible as long as we have the resource of believing prayer. Everything should be taken to the Lord in prayer. EVERYTHING  means  EVERYTHING.!!

There is absolutely nothing too great or too small for our Heavenly Father's loving care. ALL believers, regardless of how backslidden they might be, enjoy peace WITH God , BUT only Spirit-controlled believers can know that blessed and wonderful peace OF God. This peace is actually experienced, and includes only those believers who are filled and controlled by God’s Spirit. It can be defined as God’s reassurance and peace in our souls in times of crises, testing and tribulation.

Let’s consider the two rules as laid out in Philippians 4 verse 6:-

1.   “Be anxious about nothing.”  The word “anxious” here means “to be pulled in different directions.”

Our hopes pull us in one direction; our fears pull us in the opposite direction and we are pulled apart.!! Paul is NOT talking about concern here, but about panic. The second half of verse 6 urges us to pray about everything with thanks to God. It has well been said that the purpose of prayer is not to get man’s will done in heaven, but to get God’s will done on earth. Prayer is NOT telling God what to do or what to give.  Prayer is asking God for that which He wants to do and give, according to His will. (1 John 5:14-15). As we read the Word and fellowship with our Father, we discover His will and then boldly ask Him to do what He has planned.

Richard Trench (1807-1886), archbishop of Dublin, said it perfectly:  “Prayer is NOT overcoming God’s reluctance;  - it is laying hold of His willingness.”

Let's consider another verse that gives similar good advice and instruction.

Psalm 55:22:-  “Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

The Bible teaches that worry for the Christian is totally  unnecessary.!! There is no need for US to bear the burdens ourselves when the Lord is so willing and able to bear them for us. You know, one of the outstanding sins of the Christian is WORRY. We worry needlessly.  We know we should not worry; we know it will not help the situation - YET, we persist in our worry.

Some believers worry about everything: big, medium or small. Believers so often worry about things that will never happen. We worry that they might happen.  Some of us worry about things that will never happen, OR, that never did happen.!! It has been estimated that of all the things that a person worries about, LESS THAN 15% ever happen.!!

Remember God’s divine remedy for worry in Philippians 4:6-7?  “ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  7.  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Worry is futile, it is a sin and it hasn't solved a problem yet.!! Worry is a sin because it denies the wisdom of God it says that He doesn't know what He is doing.!! Worry denies the LOVE of God…it says that He doesn't care for you. And worry denies the POWER of God because it says that God isn't ABLE to deliver me from whatever is causing me to worry.!!

A Christian should be prayerful about everything. And our prayers should be BOTH definite and devotional.

It has been noted that there are but two areas over which the Christian is NOT to worry:-

1. Those things which he himself CAN change. Here perspiration and commitment is the answer.

2.  Those things which he himself  CANNOT change. Here humility in prayer  is the answer.

The two results of this are found in verse 7:- “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

The word guard  here was often used to describe someone or something which was carefully guarded by the elite Roman soldiers of Caesar’s palace.  Remember that ALL Christians enjoy the peace with God mentioned in Romans 5:1. but ONLY those who have successfully substituted CARE for PRAYER can enjoy the peace OF God which wonderfully surpasses  ALL human understanding.

Thus we see this peace guards:-

1. Our hearts, protecting us from wrong FEELINGS.

2. And guards our minds, protecting us from wrong THINKING.

Worry is the greatest THIEF of JOY.  It is not enough for us, however, to tell ourselves to “quit worrying” because that will never capture the THIEF.  Worry is an “inside job,” and it takes more than good intentions to get the victory.

The antidote to worry is the SECURE MIND and when you have the secure mind, the peace of God guards you [garrison, guard like a soldier] (Phil. 4:7) and the God of peace guides you. (Phil. 4:9)  With that kind of protection—why worry?

Perhaps I should mention here that the familiar sign “Prayer changes things”  is NOT always completely true. But prayer definitely does change US, by protecting us against those matters which were driving us to despair. The peace of Christ also steels our hearts against fretfulness and anxiety.

Psalm 119:165:- “Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.”

Isaiah 26:3:- “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

This, then, is God’s marvellous method for keeping peace.

The peace of Christ is tailor-made by God Himself to bring REAL happiness and joy to our minds and hearts.

John 16:33:- "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.''

Romans 15:13:  “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

You know, if we're not careful we can worry ourselves into an early grave. God's remedy for the turbulence and stress in our lives is His own, special peace. His peace is internal tranquillity in the midst of external turbulence and strife.  God's peace actually enables us to sit down and relax on the inside.!!  It will enable us to come into a beautiful, peaceful rest while still in a mortal body.!!. We will experience freedom from agitation and concern.  Did you know that when we worry, we take our case OUT of the hands of the Lord.?

Let’s look at a few verses to see how important it is to take everything to the Lord and to LEAVE it there:-

Psalm 37:1-8; 10; 23-25:-  “Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. 2.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb. 3.  Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4.  Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. 6.  He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. 7.  Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. 8.  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret it only causes harm.      10.  For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look diligently for his place, But it shall be no more.      23.  The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. 24.  Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. 25.  I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”

1 Thessalonians 5:23:-“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16:- “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

By worrying ourselves to death, we declare that WE know better than God does on how to handle our problems.  We say in effect, "I am smarter than God.  I know how to handle my problems better than He does.!!!  “I am going to work my way out of this problem myself."

Think about it.!!…with every problem that we have ever had has not the Lord been faithful.?  Has He not always kept that wonderful promise in I Corinthians 10:13.? Hasn’t He always faithfully sustained you and provided a way out for you.??

In every dilemma, in every problem that you have ever faced, has not the Lord been faithful to you.? After the problem has passed we often say, "What a fool I was for worrying."

The great apostle Paul had a recurring problem, - a problem that clearly bothered him a great deal. He was frequently being buffeted by a messenger of Satan which he referred to as a "thorn" in the flesh. Three times the apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord that this thorn in the flesh might depart from him. God's answer was not what he wanted to hear:-

2 Corinthians 12:9:-  (Amplified version) "But He said to me, My grace - favour and loving kindness and mercy - are enough for you, (that is, sufficient against any danger and to enable you to bear the trouble manfully); for My strength and power are made perfect -fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective - in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weakness and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ, the Messiah, may rest - yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell - upon me!"

Paul’s prayer WAS answered, but not in the way that he had hoped for. In effect, God said to Paul:- “I will not remove the thorn, but I will do something better. I will give you grace to bear it.!! And just remember, Paul, that although I have not given you what you asked for, yet I am giving you what you need most deeply. You want My power and strength to accompany your preaching, don’t you.? Well the best way to have that happen is for you to be kept in a place of weakness.”

This was God’s repeated answer to Paul’s thrice repeated prayer. And it continues to be God’s answer to His suffering people throughout the world today. Far better than the removal of trials and sufferings, is the companionship of the Son of God IN them, together with His assurance of His strength and enabling grace.

Notice that God says, "My grace IS sufficient for you,” There is no need for us to ask Him to make His grace sufficient. It already IS.!! The question is, - is it sufficient for you.?

Our Lord Jesus Christ has three “spiritual commodities” that can be secured from nobody else:- righteousness, grace, and peace.  When you trust Him as your Saviour, His righteousness becomes your righteousness and you are given a right standing before God.

You could never EARN this  righteousness; it is the gift of God to those who believe. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).

GRACE is God’s favour to the undeserving. God in His mercy does NOT give us what we do deserve; God in His grace gives us what we DON'T deserve. Our God is “the God of all grace” and He channels that grace to us through Jesus Christ. (John 1:16).The result of this experience is peace, peace with God (Rom. 5:1) and the peace of God (Phil. 4:6-7). In fact, God’s grace and peace are “multiplied” toward us as we walk with Him and trust His promises.

IF you are older than 40, you may recall the early days of the space programme. I remember the first spacecraft launch with John Glenn. One of the most exciting and tense moments of his return to earth was his re-entry to the earth's atmosphere. I recall the diagram on television of the heat shield on the capsule that had to withstand incredible temperatures to avoid complete destruction.

There was a blackout period for several minutes in which mission control had NO radio contact. He was in the "black hole." It was a tense time. Either he would make it through, or the spacecraft would burn up in the atmosphere. There were several minutes of silence that seemed like an eternity. THEN, mission control would shout with joy when they re-established contact with the spacecraft. It was truly a time of rejoicing.

Have you ever had a time when you were in the black hole spiritually in your life? I have.!!   The pressure was unbearable. There seemed to be no sense of God's presence. - although I knew from His Word that He was always with me through thick and thin. Once in this spiritual black hole, one has very little sense of anything going on around you. God even seemed to be as far away as the man in the moon -- at least from MY perspective.

I think every Christian who is called to make some sort of a difference in this world experiences times like these. These are the times when we sometimes question the reality of God, the love of God, and the personal care and faithfulness of God. However, after a given time of testing, He demonstrates to us that He was there all the time.!!

It may be said that BOTH trials and temptations are often OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. That is to say that BOTH God and Satan may be working in the life of a believer THROUGH THE SAME EVENT,  One to purify him, - the other to pervert him.   (See Job 1, 2)

These are "faith experiences"  that God does in every person who is called to a higher level of service with Him.
These times are needed by us in order for us to know that we have the "heat shield" that can withstand the incredible heat that comes when we follow Him with a whole heart and a determined mind.  A heart and mind that is fully committed to follow His ways.

Elijah had that spirit and determination.  He left his 12 oxen and burned them so that He would not have the opportunity to return to anything IF God didn't come through. I wonder how your heat shield is today?  Can it withstand the heat that would want to burn up everything in YOUR life not based in Him? Christ said that "My grace is sufficient."

Is that really true in your life?  Have you found that His amazing grace which includes His incredible loving kindness  compassion and faithfulness is sufficient for your life.?? Let His grace be YOUR shield today.

Does God care for you?  You better believe it.!!

Is He concerned with everything that's going on in YOUR life?  

But He's also a loving Father who wants us to care for Him and love Him as the loving Father that He is. He wants us to trust Him and follow Him where He leads as we humble ourselves before Him.

God has a mighty Hand and it is a Hand that reaches out to us with the desire to lift us up and to comfort and bless us and strengthen us. Reach out to Him in thanks and let Him lift you up and make you the person that He knows you have the potential to be.!!.